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You honestly think you can be trusted with control of that pathetic little thing. How naïve. You are far too weak and far too easily distracted by your own impulses to have a say over it. Every time you think you’re in charge, you only prove how out of control you really are.

From now on, your desires are no longer your own. Every thought of pleasure, every urge you feel, will be governed by me. You will remain locked and obedient, at my mercy. With the key to unlocking you in my possession I hold your freedom in the palm of my hand. I hold the power to give or deny you what you want, and you will wait for my permission. No more acting on your impulses. Your body is now mine to command, and your pleasure exists only to satisfy me. You will serve me, and in return, I will decide when you are worthy of release. Every moment you are locked up you will be reminded of who holds the power, there is no escaping this grasp. Understand this. Your needs are now secondary to my control over you, and you will be grateful for the privilege.

How it works for long distance Key holding

Once you have agreed your period of time to hand over control to Madame Athena as your Key holder and made your payment, she will send you either your choice of a Brass or Plastic padlock in the mail. You will immediately secure yourself upon receiving the lock and provide photographic proof without delay. Expect daily communication from the Madame, and a weekly check in is mandatory.
You will include a newspaper dated for the day, along with undeniable proof of your chastity, to reinforce your obedience and satisfy the Madame’s rightful mistrust. There will be a ‘Committal’ deposit of £100, payable on the day of lock-up. Should you dare to remove the device before instructed by the Madame – unless for medical reasons – you will forfeit this deposit and lose the Madame’s respect. On removal day you will provide photographic evidence of the device still in place, along with a dated newspaper, to confirm your compliance. When I return control to you allowing you
to step into that power once more, understand that this is not a gift given lightly. You will be free but only because I have decided you are now worthy. Enjoy this feeling of control – taste it, savour it – but remember, it will always be mine to give or reclaim.

What to choose?

A good chastity device should fit snuggly and stop you being able to pleasure yourself. It shouldn’t however restrict the flow of blood to your cock.

It is important that you spend the time to research the right device for you, you will be in this device for some time, so make sure it is a good fit. I recommend having a look at

I offer two options for padlocks. Metal and Plastic.

Plastic : Not so secure as a brass padlock as it can be removed however great for medical emergencies, metal detectors for travel, water resistant, and the key wont get lost in the post!. Each lock has a unique serial number, so you can’t just replace it.

Brass : Are far more secure and needs a key to remove, which I will send to you at the end of the lock-up period. Can be noticeable as they make a little noise occasionally and can cause embarrassment at metal detectors; in particular at airports.

ALL long distance keyholding padlocks will be plastic. If you are at an in-person locking and unlocking then you have the choice of either.

I offer three basic Packages:

Package 1 £150
1 month of chastity. lock posted direct to you. Daily check-ins and task requests by email or whatsapp.

Package 2 £50
1 week of chastity. lock posted direct to you. Daily check-ins and task requests by email or whatsapp.

Package 3 £450
includes 2 x 1 hour sessions for locking and unlocking. Daily check-ins and tasks for the period. This covers ANY time period up to 1 month maximum.

All packages can be tailored to suit your own kinks, I would be happy to discuss, please email me for further information.

WhatsApp chat: £30 per half hour over and above the daily check in.​​​​​






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